God ordained both life and death. He orchestrates the moment of birth as much as he orchestrates the moment of death. How can I possibly praise God for a baby’s first cry, but resent God for a man’s last breath?
I can’t resent the day my husband was killed, because I don’t resent the day he was born. Our marriage gave us four wonderful children, and (so far) five delightful grandchildren. These people are an integral part of my life, and I can’t imagine living without them.
I can’t resent the day Floyd died of cancer, because I don’t resent the day he was born. My life would have been so different without his teasing and sarcastic jokes in our childhood, then his unfailing support and brotherly love in adulthood.
I’m going to thank God for all He has given me: the good, the hard and the ugly. When we get to heaven we will understand His perfect plan!
In the meantime, I thank God for the day my brother was born.
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"WOW! A wonderful perspective of which I'd never ever considered......and it makes perfect sense in the way you so beautifully described! Short, sweet, and to the point......but the few words do continue to speak.....wisdom......in how we accept God's perfect plan. God is always just, is always good, is always loving.......and so much more!.......and so much more!......and so much more!!!
Thank you Linda for allowing Floyd's life to continue ministering the blessing of the Lord to us all! Selah and Amen!!!