Perfectly Made

I have always loved to work with fabric. I like to picture a creation, find a pattern and the perfect fabric, then try to make the beautiful garment I saw in my mind. Many times the project has come out like I had hoped, but there have been times when the creation didn’t come out right at all. I was deeply disappointed, but not deterred. I tried again, and over time I learned from my mistakes.

God did a perfect job with creation. He knew what he wanted to make when he started from nothing, and He did it perfectly the first time. He didn’t need a pattern, and He didn’t need to re-do His mistakes, because He didn’t have any.

Many people are willing to accept the idea that God made the earth correctly. However, they have decided that He didn’t make people right.  Most importantly, He didn’t do a good job with the person in the mirror. They might say He did a good job on the muscles, major organs and membranes, but He totally flopped when it came to ‘looks’. He made the height, color of the eyes or the size of the nose all wrong, and forgot to include a coveted talent or ability. Which leaves the question: “What was God thinking?”

“My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed.” Psalm 139:15
When David wrote this he no idea what a womb looked like. He had never seen a sonogram, nor heard a pre-natal heartbeat. But he knew somewhere in the depths of a woman God made humans perfectly. David was sure God knew what the child would look like before it had been formed. And He had each day planned for that child long before it happened.

Think of that. That describes YOU! God made YOU perfectly! He planned your whole life before a day of it happened, and He formed you perfectly for all of your days. 


You may think your life is out of control, but as long as you keep your eyes on God, He has this. You need to recognize that He is doing everything in love, even though He doesn’t promise to explain Himself. When you get to Heaven you will ‘get it’. You will understand every heartache and every healing, and it will all make sense. You will see, you will understand, and you will know that God had your life planned perfectly before it ever began.

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